Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation Course- Venti Cairo
ECCCP will organize “Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation Course” -Venti Cairo which accredited by IERS system of AARC ( American Association for Respiratory Care) , USA
The course is conducted by ECCCP faculty and it aims to provide the following learning objectives to participants :
- Understand Indications and common modes of MV,
- Recognize Ventilator settings, and waveform monitoring of airway pressures during MV
- Learn about Mechanical Ventilation Strategies for ARDS, and with patients having COPD and Asthma
- Understand about Weaning and eventual liberation of patients from MV.
- Identify Advanced modes of MV.
- Recognize indications for using NIV in the Critical Care setting
Upcoming Course date: Course:
- 23-24 December , 2022 ( Basic Course)
Course Schedule :
You can choose either the Basic Course which is a 2 days course , or the advanced course which runs for three days.
Course Modules
Day 1:
Module 1 : Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation
- History of Mechanical Ventilation – Dr Mohammad Amin- 15 min
- Applied Respiratory Physiology – Dr Mohammad Amin- 30 min
- Lung Mechanics – Dr Mohammad Amin -60 min
- Mechanical Breath Profile – Dr Mohammad Amin-30 min
Learning Objectives of this module :
This module is designed to provide the candidate with a basic understanding of lung mechanics and pulmonary mechanical forces during spontaneous breathing and with positive pressure ventilator support. These components: resistance, compliance, and elastance impact the patients’ work of breathing during spontaneous and positive pressure ventilation.
After completing this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Understand how airway resistance, compliance and elastance impacts the patients’ work of breathing during spontaneous and positive pressure ventilation.
- Identify different variables and phases and types of mechanical breaths
- Recognize the different parts of circuit:
- Different types of components and circuit lining.
- Different consoles.
Module 2 Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation
- Conventional Modes (VCV, PCV)- Dr Mohammad Amin- 75 min
- Conventional Modes (SIMV, PSV, CPAP) Dr Mohammad Amin- 75 min
- Hands on & Simulation Modes -Dr Mohammad Amin -60 min
- Initial settings for normal lung -Dr Mohammad Amin- 60 min
- Hands on & Simulation- Initial settings (Normal Lung)- Dr Mohammad Amin-30 min
- Ventilator Curves- Dr Mohammad Amin – 90 min
Learning Objectives of this module :
This module is designed to provide the trainee with a basic understanding of different conventional modes of positive pressure ventilation as well as the initial settings recommended in each mode.
At the end of this module ,the candidate will be able to:
- Initiate mechanical ventilation in different lung disorders
- Identify the differences between volume and pressure control modes .
Module 3: Management of Mechanical Ventilation
- Ventilator Curves: Cases -Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -30 min
- Initial settings for abnormal lung- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -30 min
- Hands on & Simulation – Initial settings (abnormal lung)-Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -60 min
- Ventilation Strategies- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -30 min
- Oxygenation Strategies -Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 30 min
- Simulation & Hands on -Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 30 min
- Trouble Shooting- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 75 min
- Trouble Shooting -Case Discussion Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -30 min
Learning Objectives of this module :
This module is designed to provide the candidate with algorithms for management of patients on mechanical ventilation including hypoxia, hypercarbia as well as troubleshooting
At the end of this module ,the candidate will be able to:
- Identify causes and management algorithm of hypoxemia and hypercarbia in mechanically ventilated patients.
- Recognize different types of patient ventilator asynchrony and their plan of management.
Module 4: NIV & Discontinuation of Mechanical Ventilation
- NIV -Dr Mohamed Badr- 60 min
- NIV “Hands on” Dr Mohamed Badr- 15 min
- Simple Weaning & Extubation- Dr Mohamed Badr -45 min
- Weaning “Case Discussion” Dr Mohamed Badr – 30 min
Learning Objectives of this module
This module is designed to provide the trainee with the principles and criteria of using Non Invasive Ventilation and liberation of patient from mechanical ventilation as well as extubation.
At the end of this module ,the candidate will be able to:
- Understand use of NIV in the Critical care setting including indications, using the right interface, modes and complications.
- Recognize and understand weaning and extubation criteria.
- Identify patients with weaning failure and management of prolonged and difficult weaning scenarios
Module 5:Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS, COPD & Asthma -Patient Ventilator Asynchrony
- MV for COPD & Asthma- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -60 min
- COPD cases- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 30 min
- MV for ARDS- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 60 min
- ARDS cases- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -30 min
- Introduction & Trigger Asynchronies -Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady- 60 min
- Flow & Cycling Asynchronies- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady -45 min
- Using Curves for adjusting MV settings- Dr Abdelrahman Aboshady-60 min
Learning Objectives of this module
This module is designed to provide the trainee with the principles and criteria of Ventilator management strategies for adults with ARDS as well as management strategies in ventilation patients with COPd and Asthma
At the end of this module ,the candidate will be able to:
- Understand the standard of care for mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS, Asthma & COPD
- Learn about Evidence-Based Mechanical Ventilatory Strategies in ARDS
o Recognize how to wean patients from Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS
o Recognize different types of patient ventilator asynchrony and their plan of management
Module 6: Advanced Mechanical Ventilation Modes
- High frequency Modes- Dr Mohamed Amin – 20 min
- Bilevel Modes (BIPAP, APRV) – Dr Mohamed Amin-20 min
- Dual Control Modes (PRVC, VS, AVAPS)- Dr Mohammad Amin-20 min
- Patient controlled Modes (NAVA – PAV)- Dr Mohamed Amin- 20 min
- Intelligent Modes (ASV, AutoMode) – Dr Mohamed Amin -20 min
Learning Objectives of this module
This module is designed to provide the trainee with the current practice of advanced mechanical ventilation modes and how these modes emerged from the need of greater control of the ventilator by the patient, the possibility of better synchrony and monitoring of the respiratory mechanics
At the end of this module ,the candidate will be able to:
Understand the characteristics of the advanced modes and their benefits and the criteria for choosing them
Please contact us to receive information about the course registration which is limited to 20 participants per course